The Onslow Life

24 februari 2015 - Onslow, Australië

Heyy guys!!
A little update from Onslow, Western Australia! Yep, I'm still here, and yep I'm still lovin it! Of course it has it's downsides, there's not much to do and everybody knows everything. But I really do love walking down the street or on the beach and people greeting eachother, and I like that I almost know everyone who comes to the pub regularly by name ánd their drink A while ago, someone, I can't say his name because he actually wasn't allowed to do this, but he thought me how to drive a truck, a big massive huge road train, and it was AWESOME!! I felt so powerfull in a machine like that! I'm seriously thinking about getting my truckerslicense and work in the mines, how badass would that be?! But for now I'm still enjoying working at the bar, I'm having so much fun. I'm making crazy hours lately, starting to get a little exhausted. But it's all worth it, I'm actually happy staying at one place for a while, but I don't think it'll take long for the travelbug to kick in again. A few days ago Duck, one of the locals here, took me out for a ride on his quad bike. We drove on the beach to a nice little creek and he showed me a turtle skull, and it was a big one. I'll show you a picture when it hangs on the wall  
It's been pretty hot the last few weeks, yesterday was the hottest day so far, it was 46 degrees celsius, that's insane! It was so hot, that the aircondition couldn't coop and we had a few power outs, so no aircon! That was horrible and sweaty!  A few days ago I learned how to drive a digger! It was so cool! I really wanna do this, it's so much fun! In a few days I'm going to Karratha for a day, do some shopping and be somewhere else for a change. I've been doing the early breakfast shift last week. That means I start at 5 am and serve coffee and breakfast all by myself and I loved it! Making coffee is really cool and I enjoy it so much, eventhough I don't drink coffee, Anni showed me how to make coffee with just skills and thats awesome! My latte art is improving as well! I'm still not sure what I'm gonna do after Onslow and what my plans are. I have a few ideas, but I kinda have to make a dicision if I'm going home to the netherlands for the summer or staying here in Aus or going to South America orrr ohhhh god there are so many options and I wanna do it all hahah! So yea I just don't know yet! I'll keep you posted!!

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1 Reactie

  1. Inekekranenborg:
    25 februari 2015
    fijn dat het goed met je gaat en je veel nieuwe dingen ervaart!
    liefs Ineke.